These healthy breakfasts will lead your day full energetic and great

Besan Chilla - Besan Chilla is another good breakfast option with gram flour or besan and fresh veggies. Just remember to drizzle as less oil and sprinkle a little salt to keep it health proof.

Multigrain Idlis - Steamed idlis require no oil. Multigrain Idlis pack the power of multi-grains like jowar, buckwheat groats, oats, methi seeds, quinoa and whole wheat. Add chopped fresh beans, carrots, or soaked lentils to further enrich their taste as well as nutrition.

Methi Parantha - Methi parantha made with fresh methi leaves or kasuri methi can help you lower your blood sugar levels. Always ensure to use diabetic flour which is made from a healthy balance of multi-grains that are low GI.

Cottage Cheese Parantha - As per American Diabetes Association, Cottage Cheese is the best cheese choice for diabetics. Go for fat-free cottage cheese and make it a part of your multigrain morning parantha or sandwich.

Sprouts - Sprouts are living foods, full of protein and enhanced nutritional value. Add chopped cucumber, tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, drizzle a lemon and some salt n pepper. Fill your sprouts salad in homemade multigrain taco shells.

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Dhokla - Gram flour is low GI and Dhokla is one recipe that you’ll love to have any time. However, tweak the traditional Khaman Dhokla recipe to cut down on sugar, oil and chutneys to create a healthier, diabetic version of this Gujarati delicacy. Add grated radish or other veggies to load it with fibre.

Hard Boiled Eggs and Multi-Grain Bread - Hard Boiled Eggs are excellent for Diabetics as they provide a high amount of protein without spiking blood sugar levels, rather eggs slow down glucose absorption in your body. Accompany two hard boiled eggs with a multigrain bread/roti or fresh veggies to stay full for next few hours.

Oats Methi Khakhra & Salsa - Lastly, for the ones who like their breakfast light & fresh yet finger licking good; a plate of Oats Methi Khakhra accompanied with fresh Salsa salad is enough to kickstart the day.

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