These Questions-Answers On Panda Are Completely Hillarious!!

"PANDA"- the white and black animal is the most lovely creature on the earth and we people absolutely love them. Panda is not only cute but also helps people to laugh out loud. 

Q: What goes black, white, black, white, black, white? A: A panda rolling down a hill.

Q: What's black and white and red all over? A: A sunburnt panda.

Q: Why do pandas have fur coats? A: Because they'd look stupid in denim jackets.

Q: Why do pandas like old movies? A: Because they're in black and white.

Q: What dochinese bears eat for breakfast? A: Panda-cakes!

Q: What's a Chinese bear's favorite expendable organ? A: The panda-creas!

Q: Did you hear about the party at the Chinese zoo? A: It was Panda-monium.

Q: What do Chinese bears wear around their face when they're robbing banks? A:Pandana!

Q: How did the panda lose his dinner? A: He was "Bamboozled"!

Q: Why did the panda date a Victoria Secret model? A: She had really bigbamboobs.

Q: What did the panda say when he was forced out of his natural habitat?

A: This is un-BEAR-able

Q: What's black and white and as hard as a rock? A: A panda that's fallen in cement.

Q: What's black and white and goes round and round? A: A panda stuck in a revolving door.

Q: Did you hear about the Pandas that were in a food fight? A: They all got Bambooboos

Q: What goes white black white black white black red? A: A panda that falls from a cliff.

Q: How many Pandas does it take to change a lightbulb? A: The Pandas will get back to you on that, as soon as they can find a store that sells clothing in lightbulb sizes.(

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