These South American Travel Destinations are best to visit..!

Travelling rejuvenates the soul and relaxes the mind. Whether you go on a holiday with your family, your spouse/partner, with friends or alone, it becomes a memorable experience. One comes back brimming with stories, memories and a 'bring-it-on' attitude.

Today;we bring you three south American destination:

1.  Machu Picchu - Peru:Peru has become the hot spot in South America and the darling of the traveling community. But it would be nowhere without its shining jewel, the Incan kingdom of Machu Picchu.

Hidden within the lush Peruvian mountains, this mystical city remained a secret for ages and now is the continent's best known archaeological site.While some travelers choose a plush train ride to enjoy the view in comfort. Others choose to trek the original Inca Trail and after several days are delighted by the ruins that dot the terraces. But for all, a tremendous sense of wonder for ancient society can be felt.

2. Angel Falls - Venezuela:Nestled within Venezuela’s Canaima National Park, Angel Falls are the highest waterfalls in the world.Although impressive, the hike into Angel Falls are not the only reward.

This jungle trek is its own adventure as a guide navigates the grasslands, rivers and mountains to reveal spectacular waterfalls and lagoons.Travelers who brave the trip deep into the jungle are treated to tropical wildlife in the area including monkeys, poison arrow frogs and orchids.

3.  Lake Titicaca - Bolivia:South America's largest lake and the home to several indigenous communities make the area both agriculturally strong and full of cultural significance.

Copacabana is the heart and largest town on the shore.  Due to its rich history, Copacabana’s religious festivities, often celebrating Pachamama (Mother Earth), are frequent and well known.But the experience doesn't end at the shore. Many boats leave for Isla del Sol, the sacred Inca island. Here travelers bask in the beauty of deep blue sky towering its fresh water. It's a cozy feeling as it's all tucked in the snow topped mountains of the Cordillera Real.


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