Yoga helps you stay healthy. But yoga doesn't happen to everyone and there are many kinds of thoughts that come to mind while doing it. While practising yoga, you need a quiet place to concentrate on yoga. While doing yoga, people have a lot of thoughts in their minds and this thinking sometimes affects their practice. Today we explain what. Many people bring many questions to their minds while practising yoga, which not only affects their mind but also spoils their posture. Let us know about them. How everyone is aware of poses: People who start yoga often have thought of how everyone here knows about every pose. Are they also enjoy practising yoga? Am I struggling: Sometimes during yoga, it feels as hard, the harder it takes for everyone. Does this conflict be needed while practising yoga? How long to make this pose: Before doing any pose, people should know the exact time, or else all the time, it takes a look at which pose to take for how long and how to do it. Practising Yoga is necessary or meditation: There are times when people think yoga is more important or meditation when practising yoga. This thinking distracts people. What are the benefits of yoga: Yoga has many advantages and different totals for each problem. So taking care of this, you should start practising yoga so that your mind doesn't get any thoughts. In the period's problem Apaan Pose is beneficial, Learn how to do this and Benefits