Things never to share with friends

Many times it happens that we share such problems with our friends, later we think it should not be shared. When you share the problems of married life with the people, then it also has the wrong effect. When we mention the happy moments of our life, sometimes it happens that friends hear it and start getting jealous. By sharing the weaknesses of your relationship, you become a joke infront of the people.

Some things you should never share with friends. You should not tell the conversation about getting intimated with your friends as it may require the partner to feel embarrassed. If your partner is not financially stable then help him, not tell the friends about it.

This will only make fun of them among friends. If you are going through a bad phase in your relationship, share it with your parents or siblings instead of sharing it with friends. If your partner has broken or divorced in the last relationship, then keep this thing away from your friends.

Also read:

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