This bird has a memory similar to that of humans

There are millions of species of animals found all over the world, each with its own specialty. Today we will tell you about a bird whose memory is as sharp as that of humans. The name of this bird is Chickadee.

Specialty of birds: Humans are always attracted by the beauty of birds and their sweet voices. But do you know that along with the beauty of birds, their memory is also special? Some birds are also known for their sharp memory. One such bird is the chickadee, which is famous all over the world due to its memory.

Identification of Chickadee Bird:  The chickadee is a small, black-and-white bird that is found in North America. The specialty of this bird is its memory. During the winter season, when it has to hide its food in many places, then the chickadee has to keep in mind where it has hidden its food. This bird can hide its food in thousands of places and also find it again.

How does the memory of chickadees work? Many studies have been done on the memory of chickadees. Scientists at Columbia University's Zuckerman Institute did research on this and found that chickadees have a special kind of memory. When we park our car in a parking lot, we remember where our car is parked by looking at a tree, wall, or something else. Similarly, chickadees also remember the places of their food, but they do it in a very complex and better way.

What does the research say? Researchers found that there is a specific neural activity in the chickadee's brain for every food place, which works like a barcode. When the chickadee remembers the place of its food, this activity becomes active again in its brain. Scientists said that this process works exactly like a scanner, where information about every place is stored in the brain in a unique pattern.

How do chickadees hide their food? When chickadees hide their food somewhere, about 7% of the neurons in the hippocampus part of their brain form a special kind of memory. When they need food, the same special pattern reappears, and they easily recognize the place where they hid the food. This process is exactly like a scanner recognizing something. The chickadee bird is known for its sharp mind and memory. This bird can easily remember its food hidden in thousands of places, which makes it one of the most special birds in the world.

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