This Coffee beauty secret gives you flawless Skin and gorgeous hair

Here are the amazing benefits of coffee

Dark circles and puffy eyes

The wonders of coffee are not just restricted to motivate your system. This aromatic ingredient in your kitchen cabinet also works as an awesome beauty recipe to treat your under eye area. Make a paste of the grounded coffee, and apply it to the under eye area and eyelids. Apart from providing you relief, the pack would also reduce swelling of tissues around your eyes.

Exfoliating scrub

We all know that aromatic coffee can always rev up a party. But, many of us do not know that it can work its magic on our skin too. Coffee can act as an excellent scrub that can exfoliate our skin and eliminate cellulite to bring out a cleaner complexion. Unlike fancy exfoliators, it is effective without being harsh on skin. Coffee beans contain high amount of chlorogenic acid, which boosts collagen production, hence works as a great skin stimulant.

Prevents excess oil and blackheads

It is said that those who have blackheads suffer from oily skin and vice versa. However, coffee can act as a quick remedy to remove those dirty black spots on nose, chin and forehead. Coffee gives you a natural approach to fight both, popping those difficult blackheads out, as well as reducing the excess oil. Oil, dirt and pollution are great contributors in clogging the pores, which lead to blackheads. Coffee, a good source of antioxidants, repairs this damage, caused due to environmental pollutants and free radicals.

Skin whitening

Coffee not only wakes you up in the morning, but also wakes up your tired complexion. Active ingredients in coffee leads to healthy and energised skin, by reducing pigmentation. Therefore, it can be used in facials to brighten and tighten the skin. It encourages blood circulation, and helps the skin get rid of cellulite. 

Body odour

At times, soap and water just aren't enough to get away with that bad body odour. For instance, stubborn smell of onions and excessive perspiration become a real dampener to your personality. But, this problem can be put aside with the help of coffee. 

Lustrous locks

Goodness of coffee is not limited to your skin alone. It is miraculous for your hair as well. Brewed coffee solution when applied on hair, makes them shiny and healthier. You can also exfoliate your scalp to do away with those old dead cells, which makes hair frizzy, dry and tangled. 

Relaxes your feet

Coffee not only rouses up the sleepy heads but it revives your feet too. Being a huge relaxant, it works greatly on tired cells of the feet. Coffee foot soak or scrub can provide huge relief to the most tortured part of the body. 

also read These homemade eye mask will give the best result to get rid off wrinkles

also read DIY hair spa at home with easily available ingredients

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