This home will change speed 3 times in December, find out what is going to affect your zodiac sign

Venus has come to Capricorn. Yes, and in this zodiac sign, Venus will be associated with Shani Dev. Let me tell you all that these two planets are going to be formed till 30th December. Let me tell you that Venus and Saturn have a sense of friendship, which will increase the auspicious effect of this yuti on most people. In fact, Venus has become curved yesterday, december 19, and after that, on 30th December, a zodiac sign will come back to Sagittarius.

According to astrologers, venus's arrival in the zodiac sign of its friend Saturn will bring about major changes in the country and the world. It is also said that venus has an ominous effect on love life, money, wealth, bliss, houses, vehicles, jewellery, cosmetic goods, etc., and all these happiness are brought about by its good effects. But if there is an ominous effect, there is wasteful expenditure and there is a decrease in the happiness related to them. Tell you that the effect of Venus will give three zodiac signs wealth and female happiness. According to astrologers, Venus, which provides happiness and glory, has entered Capricorn at 12.56 pm on December 8, 2021.

Where they will have a relationship with Saturn. This will continue till 30th December, 2021 in Capricorn of Venus and Saturn. Venus will then move to Aquarius. Venus will change its speed thrice in the month of December. At the end of December, it will be in Sagittarius as soon as it moves in a curved move. In this way, the planet's movement will change while saturn's zodiac sign is with Saturn. In this way, venus's move will also bring about economic and political changes in the country. According to astrologers, the change in the speed of Venus will be a good time for aries, taurus, cancer and Leo.

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Falling of these things again and again is very inauspicious, know their signs.

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