How John Abraham, Aged 50 Keeps Himself Fit? Revealing His Diet and Fitness Secrets

Famous Bollywood actor John Abraham is one of the fittest actors in the industry. John's fitness has always been greatly admired. It's challenging to estimate John Abraham's age just by observing his fitness. John Abraham appeared on a YouTube podcast some time ago where he shared some insights about his fitness.

John said, 'I am a vegetarian, and being a vegetarian for a long time has been very beneficial for my mental health.' John also mentioned, 'I don't advocate for others to become vegetarians because it's not my role. I'm not saying that it's either good or bad, as people have different arguments regarding both vegetarian and non-vegetarian diets.' John further explained, 'It's a personal choice. I occasionally consume eggs, but very rarely. I avoid milk, butter, and sweets in my diet, which makes me feel good.'

John added, 'I may eat up to 51 eggs a day, but it's extremely rare for me to do so because I fulfill my protein requirements with tofu and other protein sources.' When asked about his diet, John stated, 'I consume twice as much protein as my body weight, approximately 160 grams. I also intake 100 grams of carbohydrates and about 60 grams of fat, maintaining a balanced intake of these macros. I keep my sodium intake quite low. I sustain my physique solely by consuming vegan protein shakes and foods. My personal trainer is Vinod Channa, and I work out under his guidance for a minimum of 2 hours every day.'

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