This is how you can know 'You're Not Respecting Yourself'

The one thing each and every human being is to focus on to respect themselves. Everything in life comes later, the first step towards the success of life is to start respecting yourself. But many of us are not paying much attention or they won't admit the fact. 

Others respect you only when you respect yourself. You must have heard this thing often, but seldom thought it seriously. Actually, we often do not know that we do not respect ourselves. So, here are few signs that can help you to know that Are You Respecting Yourself Or Not!

The happiness and success of others burn to you: When you see someone happy with his life, you feel sad. When you see someone's success, you feel jealous. This sadness and jealousy are a proof that you do not believe in your ability and skills. 

Actually, you should take inspiration from seeing a successful person and think about how much you can learn from him instead of getting jealous.

You often lie: If you lie to others often for small things to present yourself on a higher magnitude, then you reach the lower level in your own eyes. Why do you want to lie only to get the approval of others? If you do this then you can not respect yourself. 

Not understanding the power of your relationship: This is very common. We do not have the power of what we have. There are many people who see the relation of others with a glance. They find others relationship ideal and they're worthless. But think once, when you do not respect your relationship on your own, then how will it be in the eyes of others?

Exercises and Having Healthy Diet: You can respect yourself only when you love yourself. If you love yourself, then you will definitely take care of your health. But when you run away from Healthy Diet and hide from Exercise, then it proves that you do not respect yourself. 

You take the advice of others in every matter: Looking for advice is always good. But, when you start taking advice from others for small things, it means that you do not believe in your decision-making power. On the contrary, if you make most of your decisions, then you feel that you are very respectful, that's why you move on to your decisions. 

Do not spend time with yourself: To love yourself, it is very important that you spend time with yourself. But some people do not think it is necessary to spend time with them.


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