This is how you can make your Relationship work !

Relationships aren’t just about what you have , it’s about how you make it work with your significant other Loving someone isn’t about just saying it everyday, it’s about showing that love in little deeds everyday. When it comes to relationships ,only love doesn’t suffice. There is a need of true compatibility and understanding for the relationship to grow and prosper.

Every relationship has both good and bad times. The best relationships are not just about the good times you share, they’re also about the obstacles you go through together. Great relationships don’t happen by luck. You both have to work actively to keep it healthy, happy and ever-growing.

So then how to make relationships work?

Commitment: you both need to decide to stay committed to each other with utmost loyalty. Respect: you both need to respect each other’s feelings and decisions. Without mutual respect between you two , you’re relationship will never work. Communicate with your partner : let your partner know what you’re thinking. Hiding things from your loved one will only complicate things further. Learn to share your feelings and you’ll notice how strong your relationship gets. Trust your partner: if you both don’t trust each other, then there’s no relationship. Don’t cheat: Adultery is the worst relationship crime ever. Do not ever cheat on your partner,, it’ll ruin your relationship. Compliment each other: sincerely and often. Use the magic words! They’ll work wonders. Give space : Allow each other just enough room to breathe, but not enough room to leave. Give yourselves the opportunity to miss one another. Give your partner the space when they need it Forgive each other as soon as possible. Don’t wait a day, a week or a month. 

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