This is the right time to eat these fruits

People often consume fruits to improve their health. Fruits are very beneficial for our health, but they benefit our body only when it is consumed at the right time. By eating fruits at the wrong time, our health can be harmed rather than benefits.

1- The best time to eat apple is in the morning. Apple has a rich substance called pectin. If you consume an apple in breakfast in the morning, then it controls BP and also the level of cholesterol always remains in control. Apple should never be consumed at night, because at night it is difficult for digestion of pectin and then it can cause acidity in the stomach.

2- Banana is very beneficial for our health, but bananas should always be eaten in the afternoon. Eating bananas in the afternoon increases our body's immunity power. If you consume bananas at night, then this can cause you indigestion problem.

3- Most people like to eat things made from potatoes. It is considered as the best meal in the morning breakfast. By consuming potatoes in the morning, cholesterol decreases and our body gets the necessary energy too. There is a large amount of high-calorie intake in it.

Therefore, it should be avoided at night. Because of the consumption of potatoes at night, there may be problem of weight gain.

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