This is what 'Eggs' do to your body when you eat it daily!

Eggs are one of the healthiest foods you can include in your diet and they're affordable too. They are packed with iron, proteins, and antioxidants. It is best to eat organic eggs as they are nutritional and do not contain hormones and antibiotics.

Regular usage of eggs will provide the following health benefits:

Eggs boost the immunity. Helps to deal with infections and has strong defense mechanisms and also helps to regulate the thyroid gland. Eggs reduce anxiety and stress. Eggs are packed with proteins that help promote mental health, calmness and great mood, Eggs control cholesterol levels Eggs are the best source of vitamin D which is vital for growing, bones and teeth. Eggs improve cognitive function Egg enhances the skin Eggs are great if you are looking to lose weight. Eggs provide a sense of satiety and is a great for breakfast. Egg help with eye health

So make sure that you include this amazing food into your diet. You can have it raw, or scramble it up, try a sunny side up one or toss in some onions and chillies and have it as an omelette.

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