This king used to eat 35 kg in 1 day, consumes 15 bowls of sugar after food

There are many people all over the world who are fond of food, but today we are going to tell you about a king who is so foody and after knowing about him your senses will blow away. The king whom we are going to tell was so fond of food that he used to eat only food during the day. This king used to eat 24 hours and this king used to eat up to 35 kg in 1 day.

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The name of this king was Mahmud Begada and also the sixth Sultan of Gujarat, who is also famous for valor while being very famous because of the way he ate his food, he had won the reign for a long time. Historians of Europe said, "People tried to give poison to this king, a little amount poison is given to him in his daily food to make him addicted." Nobody used to wear his clothes because it was all poisonous, due to which the clothes of the King were burnt.

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With this, he eats a bowl of city butter and 100 to 150 bananas in his breakfast. It is said that this king used to eat up to 35 kg and after eating, the king also loved sweet food very much. This king used to eat sweet for 15 bowls after eating, while he used to eat samosas of meat at night also. It is said that only after eating all this at night, the king's hunger used to calm down.

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