This skin care tips reduce the bleach irritation

Girls use bleach to bring instant acceleration on their face. There are many types of chemicals present in Bleach Cream, which work to remove melanin that make face sensitive. That makes your face look immaculate and beautiful. Due to the abundance of chemicals, sometimes irritation of the skin begins to feel irritation after using bleach. Today we are going to tell you some skin care tips that will remove the irritation of bleach on your skin and improve your skin. 

1- Aloe Vera has antiseptic properties. If you feel jealous of bleach after bleach, then massage your head in circular motion by putting aloe vera gel on your face. Wash your face with cold water later on. Doing so will give you relief from irritation. 

2- Coconut oil contains abundant antiseptic properties that help in the removal of any kind of irritation. Add coconut oil on face to remove irritation due to bleach. 

3- The snow is very cold. If you want to get rid of irritation from bleach, then use ice. Applying ice on the face gives relief from irritation.

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