This vitamin very important for women

Women have to work from morning till evening. Women are ignoring their health due to their busy work throughout the day. Some women do not even care about their diet. Due to which there is a shortage of vitamins and nutrients in their body. Vitamin deficiency leads to weakness in the body and the risk of other diseases also increases. Today we are going to tell you about some vitamins which are very important for women. 

1- Vitamin C is very important for women. It helps to keep away from heart related diseases. Include orange, lemon, green chillies, kiwi, grapes, watermelon, strawberries, papaya, potatoes and tomatoes in your food to cure vitamin C deficiency. 

2- Vitamin D is very much needed to strengthen the bones. In addition, Vitamin D also works to keep weight in control. To meet the shortage of vitamin D, regularly sitting in the sun in the morning in the morning of 15 minutes. Besides, consuming salmon, egg, milk, mushrooms and curd also reduces vitamin D deficiency. 

3- Vitamin B-6 is very important for women's body too. It helps in controlling sleep and hunger. Vitamin B Six helps in nervous system functioning smoothly. Use sweet potato and banana to cure Vitamin B deficiency.

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