This was the most dangerous killer of India, this is how he used to commit murder

There have been many serial killers around the world, whose horrifying names still scare people. But there is one such serial killer in India, who terrorized not only the common people but also the British. This is the story of Thug Beharam, who is called the "King of Thugs". His terrifying stories are still told today.

king of thugs behram

Thug Behram's name is included in the most notorious serial killers of the 18th and 19th centuries. He was active between 1790 and 1840 and was greatly feared by the British of the East India Company. He used to attack his victims to rob them and kill them in a unique way.

Method of murder

Thug Beharam and his gang members used to disguise themselves as traders and tourists and mingle with them. As soon as they got a chance, they would strangle their victims. Beharam always had a yellow handkerchief with him, with which he would strangle his victims. He had killed more than 900 people using this method.

Guinness Book of World Records

James Paton, an East India Company officer, has written that Behram had committed 931 murders in his entire life. He had also confessed to the crime of these murders. According to James Paton, Behram committed all these murders using his yellow handkerchief. His name is also recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records for his cruelty.

atmosphere of fear

At that time, from Delhi to Gwalior, Jhansi and Jabalpur, traders and tourists had stopped walking on the roads where Beharam was active. People were afraid to come out of their homes due to his terror. The police was also unable to take action against this dangerous thug because it was very difficult to catch him and often the bodies of the dead could not be found. The story of Thug Beharam is not only the tale of a dangerous serial killer, but it also reflects the social situation of that time. His brutality had instilled a deep fear in the hearts of the people, which is still on the tongue of the people. Thug Beharam's name is recorded as a black chapter in history, and his stories still give shivers to the people.

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