This winter show your style with these jewel colors

The final month December is knocking on the doors the year sprays up with a lot of promise and reasons to celebrate life with open arms. With the celebrations like Christmas and New year, December carries a lot of madness, celebrations and chilly winds. Having so much on the tray, one shouldn't forget to update their apparels with the trendy colours of the month. From darker to brighter colours, here is a list of shades which you can pick from this year.

1. Emerald Green The safe colour is classic to refresh your style. Whether by wearing a jacket or jewellery, rock your shade in the way you want to.  2. Sapphire Blue A constant colour of your clothes which is apt for every skin tone is in this season, so keep vaunting!

3. Ruby Red

Red is one of the must-have colours of Christmas. It signifies the fall of Adam in the plays and Santa likes it too. Santa loose knits are new and stylish at the fashion house.

4. Royal Purple

This royal colour is also swinging in our index. Matching it up as abettors with the main colour of your outfit is the comfortable way to carry it after all add-ons are made to suits your look.


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