TikTok is coming soon with new feature, parents will be able to control children's account

The social media app Tik Tok is about to launch the Family Pairing feature soon with the safety of children in mind. At the same time, with the help of this feature, parents will be able to link their Tik Tok account to the children's account. With this, parents will get full control of the children account. Apart from this, the company is also preparing to discontinue the direct message feature for users below 16 years.

Tik Tok's family pairing feature With the help of the family pairing feature, parents will be able to link their account to the children's account. In addition, parents will get control of features such as direct messages, screen time, and restricted mode. On the other hand, the company is going to remove the direct messaging feature from its platform on 30 April. The company says that we have taken this step keeping in mind the future of children.

Tick-Tok gave 100 crore medical suits and masks to India Tik Tok recently gave 100 crore medical equipment to the Indian government to fight the corona virus, which includes 4,00,000 protective suits and 2,00,000 lakh masks. Teak Talk had said that our move would help curb the corona virus. Let us tell you that 480 people have died in the country due to Corona virus. 14,378 are infected with this virus and 1992 people have recovered.

Tik Tok statement Tick-Tock said that we have given protective suits and masks for the protection of doctors. Coronavirus remains the highest number of doctors close to the infected and in such cases they are more likely to get infected.

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