Tips on How to prevent asthma!!!

A common concern of moms and dads - especially when asthma runs in the family - is how they can prevent their children from getting asthma.  New evidence suggests there are things you can do - or not do - to at least reduce the risk your child will develop asthma. Even folks with no history of asthma can develop asthma. Listed below are few tips on how one can prevent asthma.

Identify and avoid asthma triggers: A number of outdoor allergens and irritants — ranging from pollen and mold to cold air and air pollution — can trigger asthma attacks. Find out what causes or worsens your asthma, and take steps to avoid those triggers.

Use of allergy proof covers on pillows and mattresses: Wash your bedding weekly and get rid of dust mites.

Eat a lot of ginger: Ginger is an anti-inflammatory that has been a valuable tool for treating a wide range of health issues. It has antioxidant properties that cleanse harmful chemicals the body produces and relieves psychological stress, which leads to asthma.

Omega 3 fatty acids: populations with adequate levels of fish oil in the diet have lower asthma rates.  The theory is that acids found in fish oil prevent the allergic response that causes inflammation of the respiratory tract.

Exercise: Overdoing exercise can actually cause asthma due to high respiratory rates, and this may be one reason Olympians have high asthma rates.

Avoid areas where people smoke:  Breathing smoke even secondhand smoke and smoke on clothing, furniture or drapes can trigger an asthma attack.

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