Prevent Dust Allergy using these measures!

You may have often seen people who start sneezing as soon as they come in contact with dust. They are allergic to dust, which also leads to asthma. Dust allergy to dust, smoke, or weather changes can also lead to health problems such as eye-watering and eye redness, sneezing, nasal bleeding, cold-coughs and difficulty in breathing. If you want early treatment of dust allergies, tell you what ways to treat it.

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Steam Taking steam is the most effective and infallible way to treat dust allergies. Take steam for at least 10 minutes, which works from your nose to the lungs. This eliminates congestion and can be breathed openly.

Vitamin c This is the simplest and easiest way to get rid of stubborn dust allergies. Citrus fruits such as oranges and sweet lime fruits are rich in vitamin C and prevent the secretion of histamine caused by white blood cells, thereby increasing blockage in the body. Vitamin C also reduces nasal secretions and blockage.

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Honey Honey has properties that not only eliminate allergies and relieve you from colds and sneeze but also cures the sore throat and swelling of the respiratory tube. It works by correcting sore throat and cough like a lubricant. Drink a teaspoon of honey whenever you feel like you are getting dust allergies. Then rinse, do not drink water.

Apple vinegar Add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and consume it thrice a day. This drink slows down the process of formation of mucus and cleanses the lymphatic system.

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