These methods will provide immediate relief in fever, Take care in this way!

It is often observed that as the weather changes, the infection in the body begins to increase. You may also experience high fever that you may have to cope with for several days. Thereby increasing body temperature rapidly. The rapid rise of fever makes the child begin to weaken very quickly. But we are going to give you some tips that you can use during fever and this will reduce the fever temperature immediately.

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Potato To reduce the temperature of the fast-growing fever, first, rub two potatoes and make a paste. Put this paste in your baby's socks and make your baby wear those socks. It will ease soon.

Wet cloth To reduce the rapidly growing fever, soak a cotton cloth in cold water, squeeze it and place it on the baby's forehead and foot for a while.

Wear loose clothes in monsoons, but keep fashion in mind

liquid Allow the baby to drink plenty of cold foods during fever. These are quite good remedies. You can also feed yoghurt or ice cream during that time. It will keep your baby hydrated and cool down the body temperature and reduce fever.

Loose Dresses Never wear body-fitting clothes for the child during a fever. They help to increase the fever temperature instead of reducing it, so wear loose clothes during that time. This will relieve the body and reduce the temperature.

Use fans Keep your baby in a cold environment during fever. thereby reducing his fever. Keep the fan's speed low.

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