To beat the winter try this Gondh Ladoos that grandmothers relied on

If you want to beat this chilling winter than you must try this grandma ladoo recipe which will make you strong and helps you to fight this winter. Especially Gondh laddoos prepared by the edible gum of trees native to the Middle East, Iran, Iraq, Africa have long been used as in the form of medicine in Ayurveda. Warm food in winters is evident and available almost by default as the mercury drops. We intuitively begin to gravitate to this food and discard those we feel are for warmer climes. Hot soups, saag (leafy vegetables), till, jaggery, chikkis, halwas, masala teas, kahwa and malled wines find their way into our diets.

One of the most popular food that our grannies made, especially in winters, were laddoos of gondh (gum or edible resin). Many would have fantasies of having them through winters. Grandma’s longtime experience was based on ancient principles of health and well being and stand strongly followed with scientific evidence. Gondh is among the edible gums got from trees and shrubs native to the Middle East, Iran, Iraq, Africa. The use of gondh in fact in medicine dates back to 5000 years ago among the ancient Egyptians. It’s not surprising that our ancestors were aware of using this food as medicine. The potential of using gums as a healing and therapeutic food must be explored further and its use in the kitchen be encouraged.


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