Top Event Today: Ukraine Global Peace Summit, Striving for Resolution Amid Conflict

SWITZERLAND: As the conflict between Russia and Ukraine drags on, global leaders are gearing up for the Global Peace Summit on Ukraine IN SWITZERLAND, set to take place this weekend. The summit, scheduled for June 15-16, aims to outline a plan for restoring peace in Ukraine. A senior diplomat will lead the Indian delegation at this significant event.

For months, Ukraine's leadership has been promoting the peace summit in Switzerland, seeking to generate international support and investment for Kyiv's peace plan. Their efforts have yielded some success, with about 90 countries and organizations expected to participate in the Summit on Peace in Ukraine, also known as the Global Peace Summit, held in the Swiss resort of Bürgenstock. Initially, 160 countries received invitations.

Notably, Russia will not attend the summit, having publicly declined the invitation. Additionally, influential nations such as China and Saudi Arabia will be absent, raising doubts about the summit's potential to lay the groundwork for a peace process.

Several countries have chosen not to send representatives or are only dispatching junior officials. Brazil, India, South Africa, and Turkey, which maintain friendly relations with Russia, have yet to confirm their delegations. The final list of participants, to be released on Friday, might still change as reports indicate a decline in attendees in recent days.

Swiss organizers stated earlier this week that approximately half of the confirmed participants are from Europe, with the rest hailing from Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East.

Russia has criticized the summit, arguing that a peace conference without its involvement is futile. China has expressed a similar sentiment, refusing to attend a meeting without equal representation from both sides. Other absentees share this viewpoint.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has accused Russia and China of conspiring to undermine the summit and pressuring other nations to abstain. China has denied these allegations.

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