Andra Pradesh - Tirupathi: A devastating stampede occurred on Wednesday evening near the Tirupati temple in Andhra Pradesh, claiming the lives of six people and injuring several others. The incident unfolded near the Vaikuntha Dwara Darshan ticketing counter, where thousands of devotees had gathered to collect tokens for the 10-day Vaikuntha Dwara Darshanam, starting January 10. Stampede Triggered by Overcrowding According to officials from the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD), the stampede took place near Vishnu Niwasam, close to the ticketing center. overcrowding is the reason of this unfortunate incident. 6 people 6 died, with victims from Tamil Nadu …. So far, one body has been identified, while five remain unidentified." Chief Minister Orders Inquiry and Enhanced Safety Measures Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu convened a high-level review meeting with top officials, including the DGP, TTD Executive Officer, district collector, and SP. Expressing profound grief over the lives lost, the CM criticized the lack of precautionary measures. "Why weren’t adequate arrangements made, knowing the volume of devotees expected? Ensuring utmost vigilance in such sensitive situations is crucial," he stated. The CM directed officials to provide the best medical care to the injured and called for immediate steps to prevent further casualties. . TTD Apologizes and Promises Inquiry TTD Board Member Bhanu Prakash Reddy extended his condolences to the affected families and expressed regret over the tragedy. This has never happened in TTD history. We sincerely apologize to devotees. An inquiry will be conducted, and serious action will follow," he assured. Reddy added that both CM Chandrababu Naidu and the state health minister would visit the site to oversee relief measures and ensure accountability. Calls for Support and Solidarity Meanwhile, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi urged party members and workers to assist the affected families and provide support during this difficult time. Authorities continue to monitor the situation, ensuring that all necessary measures are taken to prevent further incidents and maintain order during the Vaikuntha Dwara Darshanam event. The Vaikuntha Ekadashi celebrations, among the holiest for Lord Venkateswara's devotees, are now marked by tragedy, underscoring the critical need for improved crowd management and safety measures at large-scale religious events.