Trump will impose 35 per cent tax on companies like IBM, if he gets elected !

Yesterday while addressing his spectators, the Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump accused world’s oldest and one of the largest technology company IBM for offering jobs in India when the United States was suffering from recession. Trump blamed IBM of laying off 500 workers in Minneapolis and shifting their jobs to India and other countries. He later warned of levying companies a 35 per cent tax if he is elected as the President of The United States.

In his words” IBM laid off 500 workers in Minneapolis and moved their jobs to India and other countries. A trump administration will stop the jobs from leaving America, and we will stop the jobs from leaving Minnesot,” he further moved on his speech saying, “If a company wants to leave Minnesota, fire their workers and move to another country and the ship their products back into the United States, we will make them pay a 35 per cent tax. We will also unleash American energy including shale oil, natural gas and clean coal,” he said.

Trump also pointed at Obama for the bad condition on the Minnesota farmers and workers and small businessmen and said he will cancel all the “harmful” regulations by Obama.



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