Try 2 Method to remove Stretch marks

Stretch marks are often present on the body after obesity or pregnancy. Stretch marks do not go as soon as they come. Due to the problem of stretch marks, girls do not even wear clothes of their choice. Sometimes women have to be embarrassed due to the problem of stretch marks. Today we are going to tell you a 2 methods that will solve the problem of your stretch marks.

Method -1 Material needed-

One spoon- lemon juice, one spoon-baking soda

To use it, mix lemon juice in a spoon baking soda and apply it on the stretch marks. When it is dry, wash it with clean water. This paste exfoliates the skin by clearing the skin's dead cells, which causes the stretch marks to decrease. Use this recipe before sleeping at night. Continuous use of it for a few days to  solve the problems of your stretch marks.

Second Method-

Material needed

one cup sugar,1/4 tablespoon  coconut oil or almond oil,  some drops of lemon juice 

Mix one cup sugar with 1/4 tablespoon of a softening agent, like coconut oil or almond oil . after that add some drops of lemon juice and scrub the mixture on the part of your body where the stretch marks are. Repeat several times a week before taking bath for 8-10 minutes.



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