Try Mughlai Aloo in your dinner

Ingredients: Chopped potatoes, oil, ghee, chopped onion, cashew, turmeric powder, garam masala, chilli powder, milk, salt, chopped garlic, chopped ginger, coriander leaves, curd

How to make:

Step 1. First, grind ginger, garlic and cashew nuts together.

Step 2. Fry the chopped potatoes.

Step 3. Heat ghee in a vessel. Put cumin seeds in hot ghee and cook well. Now add chopped onion and fry for one to two minutes. Then add fried cashews, turmeric powder, garam masala, chilli powder and add ginger-garlic and cashew paste. Cook it for one to two minutes. After that add the yogurt, milk and water and cook for three minutes.

Step 4. After 3 minutes put fried potatoes in it. Cook it for two to three minutes so that the spice in the pot is well received.

Step 5. Finally, take it out and garnish it with chopped coriander leaves. This way the potatoes are amazingly ready. You serve it with paratha.

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