Try these salt using remedies for hair care…read inside

You would find it hard to believe but the salt which you use to enhance the flavour of your food can actually prove out to be your most economical hair partner too. Think we’re tricking you? Let’s take a look:

Goodbye dandruff

The most common reason behind the growth of dandruff is dead skin cells on the scalp which turn into flakes, and fungal growth caused due to moisture and humidity. Your kitchen’s most popular ingredient, salt, not only helps in absorbing excess oil, humidity and moisture from the scalp but also enhances easy removal of flakes/dandruff during hair wash. Sprinkle some salt on your scalp and gently massage it. After some time, wash it like you normally wash your hair. You’d be surprised to see the results.

Welcome thicker hair

Hair exfoliation is an important regime which we always tend to underestimate. Using chemical ridden serums and hair products makes your hair lose its shine and also makes the scalp quite dry. Exfoliating scalp with a mix of shampoo and salt helps give your hair a quick fix effect. Not only does it make your hair look voluminous but also promotes hair thickening with time. Take as much shampoo as you need and mix it with salt (half of the shampoo’s quantity). Massage gently and let it rest on the hair for some time. Wash your hair with cold water to see a much shinier and thicker looking hair.

Promotes hair growth

For those of you, who have been battling hair-fall issues, sea salt is the most natural and cheapest ingredient available to cure your problem. Salt opens up blocked pores on the scalp thus allowing proper hair growth. Try massaging your hair with some oil and salt a couple of times a week and you’d be able to see your hair grow much faster than before.

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