Kyiv: Deputy head of the Ukrainian presidential office, Kirylo Tymoshenko, claimed on Tuesday that he had requested President Volodymyr Zelensky to be relieved of his responsibilities on Monday. "I thank the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, for the trust and the opportunity to do good deeds every day and every minute," Tymoshenko posted on the Telegram messaging app. Tymoshenko's resignation was without explanation. Tymoshenko was reportedly going to be part of a personnel reorganization, Zelensky announced. Also Read: Jacinda Ardern makes her final appearance as the head of New Zealand On the President's website, a decree accepting Tymoshenko's resignation was made public. Nearly a year after the invasion of Russia following allegations of corruption, Zelensky said on Monday that personnel changes in the government, regions and security forces would be announced this week. Also Read: A rights organization sues the Myanmar military in Germany Since 2019, Tymoshenko, 33, has served as the regional and local policy administrator of the Office of the Vice President. He also oversaw media and creative material for Zelensky's election campaign. Also Read: FAO: Food insecurity and rising costs are expanding the ranks of the hungry Ukrainian media report that since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Tymoshenko has been involved in several scandals involving her personal use of high-end vehicles. Tymoshenko has denied each allegation. The invasion has been described in Russia as a "special operation".