UK: Boris Johnson to get fresh ideas for running the parliament

UK has reported massive cases of corona in the last few months. Boris Johnson vowed to “unleash Britain’s potential” next year as he tries to recover momentum and calm unrest in the Conservative Party over his government’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic. The UK prime minister directed his cabinet to bring forward fresh ideas for a Queen’s Speech considering the beginning of the next session of Parliament, suspected in the spring. The agenda will include methods to spend money on schools and hospitals, crack-down on serious violence, and bring in tougher sentences for animal cruelty, Johnson’s office said in a statement.

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“We were elected to get Brexit done and unleash Britain’s potential,” a spokesman for Johnson said in the statement. “The prime minister has been clear that we will not be blown off course in our plans to build back better and that’s just what our next Queen’s Speech will do.” The government’s declaration on Sunday is timed to coincide with the second day of the annual Tory conference, which is taking place online this year because of Covid-19 that would rob ministers of face-to-face meetings with members and the chance to quell disagreement.

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The premier has faced critique over lockdown dimensions and difficulties in the virus testing system, while some polls show his party trailing to Labour for the first time in several months. Tensions were further inflamed last week when Johnson apologized for getting his own Covid-19 rules wrong. The government has been trying to strike a balance between trying to contain the pandemic and keeping as much of the economy running as possible.

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