Prayagraj: Union Home Minister Amit Shah took a sacred dip at the Triveni Sangam on Monday as part of the Mahakumbh celebrations. Amit Shah was joined by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, Baba Ramdev, and other prominent figures. The minister reached by boat to the Triveni Sangam, where he performed the ritual bath. Before taking the dip, he also met with seers to discuss key matters. During his one-day visit to Prayagraj, the Home Minister plans to visit the Bade Hanuman Ji Temple and Abhayvat after his holy bath. He will also meet saints and spiritual leaders at Juna Akhara and have lunch with them. His itinerary includes a visit to Guru Sharananand Ji’s Ashram, where he will meet Guru Sharananand Ji and Govind Giri Ji Maharaj. The visit will conclude with meetings with the Shankaracharyas of Sringeri, Puri, and Dwaraka. In recent weeks, several Union Ministers, including Rajnath Singh, as well as other leaders, have attended the Mahakumbh and taken a holy dip at the Sangam. The Uttar Pradesh cabinet also visited Prayagraj, held a meeting, and participated in the ritual bath. On Sunday, Samajwadi Party leader Akhilesh Yadav visited the Mahakumbh and took 11 dips in the holy waters. A Dharma Sansad, led by spiritual leader Devkinandan Thakurji Maharaj, is also being organized on Monday. The event aims to propose the establishment of a Sanatana Board to safeguard Sanatan Dharma and temples. The Mahakumbh, which began on January 13 with Paush Purnima, has already seen over 110 million devotees take a holy dip in the Sangam during its first 14 days. The festival, rooted in Sanatan Dharma, is held every 12 years and is based on a celestial alignment believed to purify the soul and grant liberation. The event is expected to host over 450 million visitors by its conclusion on February 26, marking a historic moment in India.