London: For the first time in the world, a court will hear a death due to air pollution. The United Kingdom High Court will hear the case on 30 November. Actually, nine-year-old Alla Keesi Debrah, who lives in London, was killed in 2013. Ella died of severe asthma attacks and respiratory problems. The air pollution near Debrah's house had been above London standards for three consecutive years. Therefore, air pollution is being seen as a possible reason behind Ella's death. Debrah's mother Rosamund Alla filed a petition in the UK High Court to hear the case. The legal team of the victim's family made air pollution the basis for opening the case. In this case, the government's failures were told about the death of the girl due to air pollution. Along with this, the petition also accused the local government that the plans of the local government to curb air pollution failed. The court will also hear this. Alla Keisi Debrah had to go to the hospital 27 times before her death. Ella was having trouble breathing. Apart from this, it will also be seen in the court whether the pollution level during his illness was properly measured or not. Let it be said that this will be the first case in the world in which the court will hear the death caused by air pollution. Also Read: US President-elect fractures his foot while playing with dog The second wave in Mideast protest shows Arab Spring is still alive Protesters gathered outside Israel PM residence, demands Netanyahu resignation