Universe is shocked. We got our new Raw tag team champion.


Former Tag team champion The Bar square of Rollins and Jordan. As Sheamus and Jordan started us off as Jordan gave us a glimpse of his incredible strength. Cesaro hit Jordan with a cheap shot and tagged himself in. Rollins came in and cleaned house before hitting both Cesaro and Sheamus with a suicide dive as we headed to commercial.

The Bar were in complete control of Rollins after the break. They subdued him and kept double-teaming him. The Bar kept Rollins isolated and took out Jordan when he went to Rollins' aid. Seth finally managed to tag in his partner and Jordan took the fight to both Cesaro and Sheamus. He looked to have things in control when he got double-teamed again and Cesaro locked in a Sharpshooter. Rollins broke it up. Cesaro and Sheamus hit Jordan with a double-team Powerbomb/Elbow combo. Rollins came back in and brawled with Cesaro as Sheamus locked in a Cloverleaf.The Bar went for another double-team but Rollins caused a distraction and then sent Sheamus into the steel steps. Cesaro hit Rollins with an uppercut at ringside before getting back into the ring. Jordan met him with his finisher and against all odds, picked up the win, We have new RAW Tag-Team Champions. Wow.


Jason Jordan and Seth Rollins def. Sheamus and Cesaro

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