Exams can start from July 6, paper will be for two hours

Uttarakhand Open University examinations will be held between July 6 and July 31. Examination Controller of the University Prof. PD Pant gave this information. He said that only a two-hour paper will be done with social distancing between the Kovid-19 epidemic. After issuance of instructions from the government, Uttarakhand Open University has decided to conduct examinations from July 6 to July 31.

Examination Controller of the University Prof. PD Pant said that the examinations would be held in two shifts in the morning and evening. He said that according to the guideline received from the UGC, the question paper will be of only two hours, so that the students do not remain in the examination center for a long time. In A, instead of three questions, only two questions will be set, each question will be set for half an hour. And instead of five questions in section B, four questions have to be done, for which time will be fixed for 15-15 minutes.

Examination will be conducted with social distancing at the examination center, the candidate has to sanitize himself. Students can go to the study centers and submit the assignments by June 15 or on the study centers' email IDs. From the next session, a 20-point multiple choice test will be conducted in place of the assignment of students, which the students will be able to sit at home.

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