US Budget focusing on childcare, education, health care and climate policy

US Democrats have unveiled the text of a USD 3.5 trillion budget plan, which focuses on childcare, education, health care and climate policy. In a letter on Monday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer told Democrats that the aim is for congressional committees to write legislation by September 15, before the House returns from its August recess.

The White House and a bipartisan group of Senators reached an agreement on the infrastructure bill after months of negotiations, which includes USD550 billion in new spending on infrastructure projects. With the Senate split 50-50, Democrats must keep moderates, who could oppose elements of the agenda, on their side, and approve the massive spending bill using a process known as budget reconciliation.

Along with the infrastructure negotiations, Schumer and other Democratic leaders have been seeking to advance the USD3.5 trillion spending plan in a separate bill without Republican support, calling it the "two-track strategy". Schumer said the chamber will approve the bipartisan infrastructure plan as soon as Tuesday, and then move immediately toward passing the Democrats-only budget measure.

The budget framework includes, among others, more funding for child care for working families, expansions of paid family and medical leave, pre-kindergarten education, tuition-free community college, as well as programs to reduce carbon emissions.

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