US and China to resolve trade war issue, get more details here

New Delhi: US President Trump had launched a tariff war against China as soon as he took power. Trump administration is taking a very strict position on China in terms of trade. Has imposed tremendous taxes on Chinese products. In return, China has taken the same action. In these two major economies of the world, both countries are being affected by trade-wise. China's trade with the US declined by more than ten per cent in August.

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The two countries are preparing to negotiate to resolve the mutual dispute, but differences over tariffs are constantly deepening, which continues to be a challenge for the growth rate of the global economy. According to the data, imports of US products into China declined by 22.5 per cent during the month. China has increased its duty rates and has also asked companies to cancel orders, which has brought down imports from the US. China has asked its exporters to explore options in other markets in place of the US.

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But they are facing difficulties due to the weakening global demand. China's global exports declined by three per cent in August. China's global exports grew by 12.2 per cent in July. US and Chinese negotiators are preparing for talks in October. There will be a discussion about China's trade surplus and its technology development strategy. Both sides have not yet indicated any concession to end the deadlock. This trade war is also overshadowing by American consumers.

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