US elections: Trump-Biden continue their rally in Nevada and North Carolina

Recently, Trump was in Nevada for campaigning. President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden were following early voters on Sunday in the competing states of Nevada and North Carolina, as the final presidential debate looms later this week. Some 27.7 million Americans have already assigned ballots either by mail or in-person ahead of the Nov. 3 election, as per the US Elections Project at the University of Florida. The record-shattering figure is being driven in part by concerns about crowds at polling sites on Election Day amid the coronavirus pandemic.

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Trump, a Republican, was spending his Sunday in Nevada, a state he wishes to wrest away from Democrats after almost losing it in 2016. The president, who rarely goes to church but has remained popular among evangelical Christians for his opposition to abortion and for appointing conservative judges, started his day by attending a service at the International Church of Las Vegas. Trump, who recently came down with his own bout of COVID-19, did not wear a mask for the indoor service.

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One of the church’s pastors, Denise Goulet, said to Trump from the stage that God had told her he would win the 2020 election. Trump put a handful of $20 bills into an offering bucket and bowed his head during prayer. Biden flew to North Carolina, a battleground where 1.4 million, or 20%, of the state’s registered voters, had already voted as of Sunday morning. The former vice president’s campaign said he would urge residents to make a plan to vote as early as possible at an event in Durham, while also detailing his proposals to lessen economic disparity for Black Americans.

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