US President says 'he's not feeling well' in a video conference

Recently, the coronavirus has grappled the US President in its grip. President Donald Trump stated in a new video released on Saturday he “wasn’t feeling so well” when he got admitted to a military hospital where he was receiving treatment for Covid-19 but he felt “much better” and hoped to be back soon to complete this re-election campaign. Trump admitted, however, the “real test” lies ahead, over the coming days. A top Trump department official has said the next 48 hours will be “critical in terms of his care,” and added, opposite to the rosy picture conveyed by the president’s physician, “we’re still not on a clear path to a full recovery.”

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The president was put on supplemental oxygen on Friday after his oxygen levels dropped, which in part prompted the decision to airlift him to the Walter Reed Military Medical Center in Bethesda, in the adjoining state of Maryland. The president sought to portray his hospitalization as a courageous decision. “I had no choice because I just didn’t want to stay in the White House,” Trump said. “I was given that alternative. Stay in the White House, lock yourself in, don’t ever leave, don't even go to the Oval Office. Just stay upstairs and enjoy it. Don’t see people don’t talk to people and just be done with it."

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“I can’t do that, I had to be out front,” he added. “We have to confront problems. As a leader you have to confront problems there’s never been a great leader that would have done that.” President Trump spoke of his administration’s efforts to help develop therapeutics and vaccines and mentioned he was on one of the therapeutics already. 

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