Environmental consultant found 2 faced snake in the forest, named it Double Dave

You must have heard about a two-faced snake many times. But it is said that there is no such snake. It has been reported that once again a snake with two mouths has appeared, which everyone is surprised to see. Let us tell you, in New Jersey of America, the Environmental Consultant found a two-faced snake whose pictures have gone viral on social media.

According to the news, this snake was caught by two people, who work for Herpetological Associates in Burlington Country. Not only this, but this snake has also been named. It is named Dave. This snake was caught by a person named Dave, hence the name of this snake is Double Dave. You can see this is very strange in appearance. This snake has two heads, four eyes but one body.

One of the snake hunters, environmental consultant Dave Shandler, said- "It is very difficult for a snake to live in the forest." Dave Shandler said that due to having two heads, snakes move very slowly. Animals can easily hunt them. This snake is 8 to 10 inches long. Special permission will be given to keep this snake. Only after this, it will be studied. Currently, there is no other information about this snake.

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