the BESTY PRODUCT. Natural bleaching property is found in it, which works to remove skin pigmentation and a BESTHoney is erysides. In addition, it is filled with antioxidants and nutrients, so it removes the dark circle very quickly.
Let's know how to use honey to remove dark circles.
1. Mix lemon juice in 1-two teaspoon honey and apply it all around the eyes. Then after half an hour wash it with cold water. By mixing honey and lemon in equal amounts, dark circles are removed very quickly.
2. Mix 2-one spoonful of honey with some gram flour and some mustard oil and half teaspoon milk. Then put this prepared paste on the face with the skin around the eyes. Wash it while drying. Using it will remove the dark circle.
3. In 3-tomatoes juice, mix lemon and a little honey around your eyes and wash the face after 20 minutes. Be sure to do this 3 times a week. This will reduce the Dark Circle gradually.
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