Use This coconut milk body wash in winter to get soft skin

Coconut is very beneficial for our health whether it is coconut water or coconut milk. Coconut in winter brings great benefits to your body. Both Coconut oil and coconut water provide the skin color. With this, the skin becomes very soft, and the skin comes in natural light. Let us know, the amount of moisture in coconut milk is very rich. As it nourishes the skin, it provides moisture. Use a body wash made of coconut milk, which will keep your skin soft and soft. 

necessary ingredients:

* Half cup - caseyl soap  * One quarter cup - Coconut milk  * Lavender oil


* Put coconut milk in a bowl and mix the caseless soap in it.

* Then use levender oil or almond oil or olive oil for this soap in the soap. 

* After mixing all these ingredients, keep it in something and keep it. 

* Then use it on your skin daily. This will nourish the skin, which will improve the skin.

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