Vastu Advice: 10 Things to Avoid Having at Home

When it comes to creating a harmonious and positive living environment, Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian architectural science, offers valuable insights. Vastu emphasizes the balance between the elements of nature and how they interact with our living spaces. To ensure the flow of positive energy in your home, it's crucial to be mindful of what you include. In this article, we'll explore ten things you should avoid having at home according to Vastu principles, along with pictures for a clear understanding.


Cluttered Entrance, Blocked Energy

A cluttered entrance can obstruct the flow of positive energy into your home. Shoes, umbrellas, or any obstacles should be neatly arranged to allow the free movement of energy.

Unaligned Bed Placement, Disturbed Sleep

The placement of your bed is crucial for a peaceful sleep. Avoid aligning your bed with the bedroom door, as it can lead to disturbed sleep and lack of privacy.

Neglected Indoor Plants, Stagnant Energy

While indoor plants bring nature indoors, neglecting them can lead to stagnant and negative energy. Ensure your plants are healthy and vibrant to maintain positive vibes.

Broken or Non-Functional Clocks, Time Stagnation

Clocks that don't work or show incorrect time symbolize time stagnation. Repair or replace broken clocks to keep the energy of your home flowing smoothly.

Leaky Faucets, Draining Prosperity

Leaky faucets not only waste water but also represent financial loss. Fixing them promptly not only saves resources but also helps maintain the financial well-being of the household.

Dark Corners, Diminished Vibes

Dark and unlit corners can harbor negative energy. Proper lighting or decoration can transform these corners and uplift the overall atmosphere of your home.

Mirrors Facing the Bed, Reflecting Negativity

Mirrors facing the bed can create unsettling energy by reflecting the sleeping person. Cover them during the night or reposition them to ensure a serene sleeping environment.

Electronic Clutter, Disrupted Harmony

Excessive electronic devices or clutter can disrupt the harmony of your home. Create dedicated spaces for electronics and minimize their presence in bedrooms for better relaxation.

Disorganized Kitchen, Chaotic Energies

A disorganized kitchen can lead to chaotic energies affecting the nourishment and well-being of the family. Keep your kitchen tidy and well-organized to promote positivity.

Unkempt Spaces, Blocked Pathways

Cluttered and unkempt spaces block the smooth flow of energy. Keep your home well-maintained and ensure clear pathways for the energy to circulate freely.

Incorporating Vastu principles into your home can significantly enhance the positive energy and harmony within. By avoiding these ten common mistakes, you can create a space that nurtures well-being and prosperity for you and your loved ones.

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