Veteran Filmmaker Anil Suri lost his life due to Corona

Ever since the year 2020 and Corona has come, news has been coming from the film industry one after the other. According to the news recently revealed, filmmaker Anil Suri passed away on Thursday at the age of 77. He was fighting a war with the Coronavirus for a long time and on Thursday, due to this dangerous virus, he left this world saying goodbye forever.

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Rajiv Suri, brother of Anil Suri and producer, has confirmed his death. Rajiv says that 'Anil's health was going bad for few days. He also had fever. But when Anil had trouble breathing, the situation deteriorated and the producer died'. While talking about this, he told a website, "Anil was taken to Lilavati and Hinduja Hospital, but no beds were given there. He was then taken to Advanced Multispeciality Hospital on Wednesday. He got corona then on Thursday evening, Anil was on ventilator and died around 7 pm.

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Anil Suri had played an active role in many hit films during his era. Karmayog, Raj Tilak are films where his work was praised. Simultaneously, his brother Rajiv Suri worked in the late Basu Chatterjee's film Manzil.

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