Veterans have asked President Biden to step in and help an Afghan soldier who was detained after crossing a border with no visa

Washington: US veterans' organizations have asked President Biden to get involved in an asylum case involving an Afghan soldier who has fought against the Taliban in the past.

After the overthrow of Kabul in August 2021, Abdul Wasi Safi continued to fight the Taliban with the Northern Resistance. He previously served with the US Special Operations Forces in Afghanistan.

According to a letter sent by American veterans to Biden, Wassi sought assistance and possible resettlement from the American Veterans Volunteers after being forced to flee Afghanistan, but upon entering Pakistan, he was met with "harsh treatment and ostracism by the local community". branded as a terrorist". Organization on 21 December.

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According to the letter, in order to seek refuge in the United States from threats to his life, he traveled by foot or bus through ten different countries, enduring torture, robbery and assassination attempts. He expected to receive a hero's welcome from his American allies.

According to the letter, Vasi managed to reach the US southern border on September 30, where he was apprehended and charged with illegal entry. Vasi is currently being held at the Texas Eden Detention Center.

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In their letter, the veterans' organizations urged Biden to be granted parole status.

"Lt. Vasi's claim of asylum is undeniably credible, and if he is sent back to Afghanistan, he will certainly die due to known Taliban retaliation against the Afghan Special Operations Forces. This kind of path should also not be tolerated." This is to reach safety as he served America with loyalty" the letter states. We humbly request that you grant parole to Lt. Abdul Wasi Safi while he awaits hearing on his valid asylum request. are doing so that America's promise to them can be fulfilled and the process of ethical healing can begin.

Signatories to the letter include organizations such as the Special Operations Association of America, Save Our Allies, the Ukraine NGO Coordination Network and Project Exodus.

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Vasey previously expressed dissatisfaction with the US response to his border crossing in a phone interview with Fox News from the Eden Detention Center.

"I was in a special forces commando unit with the US Army," Vasi said. I wanted to visit America. I do not choose any other nation for my help because I was there. But when I reach here, they put me in jail."

Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico make up the region. Vasi said, I came this far to the United States in the hope that the American government would help me.

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