Victoria Larsen and her purpose of adding more value to people’s lives.

An international model, progressing business leader, and much more, Victoria, across Dubai and beyond, has made a name for herself.

A life without a purpose, they say, is a lie. Every person in this world is driven by something. Some are driven by their personal goals and accomplishments, while others may find their purpose in being there for others by impacting their lives or adding more value. Victoria Larsen, a ravishing fashion personality based in Dubai, UAE, says youngsters should always aim to be a part of the latter category.

Victoria Larsen, who was born in Denmark and grew up between Europe, America, the Middle East, and Asia and is now based in Dubai, says that every person on this earth should feel the urge and the passion within them to do something for others as well, be it human beings, animals, society at large or planet earth. “When you associate yourself with doing these genuine deeds, you automatically feel a sense of calm and peace that no other success in this world can serve you with,” she highlights.

Serving mankind, being there for the children, the youth, and animals while also not losing focus on her work as an international model actress, signed with Diva Dubai and earning the title of International Model of the Year while being an international magazine covers all as a 21-year-old is all what Victoria Larsen about. If this is not astounding, what is?

Victoria, who has done Communications and Rhetorical Studies at Syracuse University with a minor in Real Estate, is also looking forward to her journey in the entrepreneurial world, and with this, she also hopes to motivate others toward philanthropic work.

Victoria Larsen highlights that to add more value to people’s lives, they should first demonstrate a mission of improvement, where through their work, they walk on a constant path of improving themselves and their work. Change within can lead to more significant changes outside, she explains.

Apart from this, she points out how building solid relations with people, irrespective of their backgrounds, also adds more value to their lives. She mentions that one can also support others through hardships, which may help them build more trust.

Victoria Larsen has been passionately moving forward as a model, actress, and public speaker and is very excited about her journey in entrepreneurship while inspiring herself and others toward philanthropy.


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