Video: Seeing the stunts of these elder men, you will also set on the sweat

It is said that with age, the capacity of human beings decreases. However, the desire to live well does not happen to them, but their body strength increases. Today we're going to meet you with the elderly whose stunts will surprise you too. One such video is going viral these days, which surprised everyone. Let's also show you these videos.

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In fact, this video TV show belongs to the US Got Talent. There are two elderly stunts that are not easy for children and young people. Brazilian 84-year-old Leon and 54-year-old Edson garnered applause from the judges with a stunning performance. The judges were surprised to see them, and they too could not believe it. In the beginning, the judges did not believe that at this age one's body might have such a pliability, but they didn't stop applauding later.

According to information, the two friends met each other about 14 years ago. Though he has already done a hand-balancing act in front of a considerable audience in the past, he has had the chance to show off his talent for the first time on the show. But on the show, he surprised everyone by showing off his feet and has now become famous all over the world.

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