Viral Video! Shaolin Kung Fu practicing video from Space with mesmerizing shapes and patterns

In a recent turn, from above, the shape-shifting mass of red and black seemed to spread and shrink as if animated by a single mind. But a closer look would have revealed its miniscule points to be yelling, jabbing, kicking whirls of limbs -- each one a student of Shaolin Kung Fu. There's really no better advertisement for the power of practice. Footage produced for a BBC series, Earth From Space, shows thousands of Chinese schoolchildren delivering a bravura performance of martial arts in perfect synchrony. Hundreds have shared images of the shapes they created as they moved expertly across a large field -- circles, squares and sectors so perfect they could have been drawn by geometry tools. It was an arresting display -- one visible from space.

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Here it is to be noted that Katie Parsons, who directed filming, described her experience in a recent BBC article. "The children moved in unison, so precisely, that the entire scene looked like an optical illusion," she said. "It was an overwhelming sight...breathtaking and unlike anything any of us had ever encountered before." "It is genuinely hard to find the words to describe the scene - to see this many humans moving as one, was just jaw-dropping - so much so that the crew each individually had to take a moment to take it all in," she said.

CLICK HERE to Watch Kung Fu video

To be noted that Parson's awe was widely shared. "It's like a human murmuration," said on Twitter user, referring to the mesmerising patterns made by starlings in flight. 

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