Want silky and shiny hair? Try these effective ways

Due to the increasing pollution and lack of nutrients in the food, the hair becomes rough, and only shampoo and conditioner are not enough to keep them silky and shiny. For this, we are going to tell you some tips. Add one teaspoon tea leaf in two glasses of water in the house and boil until half.

Put a lemon juice in it and wash the hair, it will shine in the hair. After shampooing, put beer in the hair as a conditioner. It will make the hair soft and silky. If the hair is curly then after shampooing, take two spoonful of honey and two spoons of rum, put into the water of washing the hair.

This will make the hair soft. Mix two teaspoons glycerin, 100 grams curd, two teaspoons of vinegar, two teaspoons of coconut oil and make paste, apply this paste in the hair and leave for half an hour. After this wash the hair with water. Hair starts shining.

Also read:


Ginger is the ultimate solution of your hair problem

Use curd as hair product and result will surprise you

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