Want to gain profit in business? follow these steps that will make your business shine

If you want to succeed in business then with hard work you should also make some efforts to strengthen your planets. If hard work and luck get together, then you can not stop anybody from being successful. 

What is the relation between the business and the relation of the planets?

- Every kind of business and business has the role of a single planet behind

- If that planet is good then business flourishes

If the planet is weak then the business either closes or damages

Sometimes the planet of business gets messed up due to a planet, in such a situation the fluctuations in the business are going on.

- By strengthening the planet related to business, we can improve our work to a great extent

Textile business

- This business deals with a lot of planets

- But primarily this is Venus's business

To improve this business, chant the mantra of Saturn and Saturn.

- Put a rhinestone garland in the neck

- Every Friday, take the sweet sweets for Mother Lakshmi

- Avoid using black as far as possible

Food business

- The business of grain is mainly Jupiter's business

- Venus plays the role behind cooked food

- The main thing behind the aquatic food is the moon

- Worship of Shri Krishna for success in the business of all types of food  

- Enclose "Cleansed Krishna Clean" 108 times daily and daily

- Put a permanent white or yellow sandal on the head

- Have a yellow silk napkin

Business-related to cosmetics or women

- This business is purely related to Venus  

- In some places, it also has the role of the moon

- To establish the Goddess Lakshmi at your workplace for success in this business

- Offer perfume of perfume of the rose aroma to them daily

- After this, chant "Shree Shariya Namah"

- Offer flavoured flowers to the Goddess every Friday evening

Occupation of land, construction, contracting etc.

- The main planet of this business - Mars

- If Mars is weak then this business sinks, debts also climb.

- Establish the red color of Hanuman ji for success in this business

- Burn the lamp of jasmine oil in front of them daily

- After this, recite Hanuman Chalisa once speaking

- Till the workers complete the pudding on Tuesday

Education, Advisory Business-

- This business deals with Mercury, Jupiter and Venus

- To be successful in this business, Lord Shiva should worship

- Raise white or yellow flowers to Shiva every day

- After this, tap "Ashutoshaya Namah"

- Make your workplace light yellow or white

The business of iron, coal or petrol etc.

- This business is Saturn and to a lesser extent Mars

- Take an iron ring for success in this business

- Bold black silk thread in the right wrist or put a black strap watch

- "Shan Shanisharai Namah", please chant 108 times a night.

- Donate sesame meal on Saturday   

Ways to get success in job

- If you want success in the job

- Hold an iron ring, middle finger in the finger

- Every Saturday, the mustard oil lamp burns under the peep

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